While we’re waiting for the road work to start next week, wanted to document some basic layout information and plans. Above you can see an aerial of the acreage with the location of the clearing (you can’t actually see the clearing yet, since we just made it last week—not sure how long it will take to make it to the mapping services). The map border roughly lies on the property lines. The pond is just to the east of the push pin. The road is clearly visible.
The woods are mainly young oak with some cedar and the occasional ash, hickory, walnut, and a couple of rare maples (where the old house was located).
The lot we are clearing will eventually be about 300’ x 300’, but for now, we’re just doing 200 x 300’. I did quite a bit of research when I developed this lot plan and there are a lot of opinions. I was afraid of getting it wrong, but I really don’t think there are any wrong plans. However, the basic principles are mostly common sense, such as:
- Minimize distance between the most walked-between structures;
- Porch should be south-facing (if you like to catch some winter sun);
- Animal structures and pens should be at least 100’ from the house;
- If you must clear an easement for the power lines (30’ wide in my case), place it behind or out of the line of vision (so you’re not looking down an unsightly row of telephone poles);
- You’ll need to place your well before you decide where the leach lines will go, since, obviously, these need to be separated by at least 100’;
- Figure out what you want and don’t be afraid to start.
Not shown here are plans for a grey water system for shower, bath, kitchen and bathroom sinks, etc., which will be sent out towards either the garden or orchard areas. I’ve found these websites helpful in the planning process:
CountrySide: Designing Your Ideal Homestead
Mother Earth News: The Owner Built Home & Homestead
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